Josh & Katelyn’s Fairmont Hotel San Francisco Downtown Wedding

Josh and Katelyn’s wedding day was a beautiful culmination of their long journey together. They first met as high school freshmen in 2007, and 15 years (!!) after their first adventures together, Josh proposed in their San Francisco apartment in 2022. In his words, he “secretly looked at engagement rings, planned and plotted different options,” and decided to create a magical moment surrounded by hundreds of their photos hanging from their ceiling, capturing the essence of their relationship. We as photographers really appreciate how photos mean so much to them and were very excited to capture some great memories! [ read more … ]

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Christine & Amos’s St. Colman’s Outdoor Church + Chateau de Ninis Wedding in Sonoma

Fully two years have gone by since we had the joy of capturing Amos & Christine’s engagement up in Calistoga, and now, we’re excited to be sharing a few highlights from their Sonoma wedding. [ read more … ]

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Kaila & Peter’s Tiburon Engagement Photos

Last week, we met up with Kaila and Peter at two special spots for their engagement photos in Tiburon: the San Francisco Yacht Club for some photos in the marina and on the family boat, and at Old St. Hilary’s Church, which is a cute little chapel situated atop a beautiful grassy hill. Sailing has always been a big part of Kaila and her family, so it made a lot of sense to shoot at the yacht club. And now it’s something the two of them enjoy together 🙂 [ read more … ]

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Camille & Leah’s Wedding at the Chapel of Our Lady

This might be our last blog post in a couple of months due to the coronavirus pandemic… but editing Leah & Camille’s wedding photos has really brought a smile to our eyes during an otherwise uncertain time. Their wedding day started off with a first look behind the Chapel of Our Lady in the Presidio, in a magical patch of woods with the most beautiful golden light streaming down on them. [ read more … ]

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​​Czarina & Darrell’s Wedding at Mission Dolores Basilica and The Pearl SF

​​​Czarina & Darrell’s wedding day was a long one packed with many events, and it’s one we’re very excited to share. The morning started off with the couple getting ready at Hotel Via, followed by a first look at Pier 7 under the warm afternoon sun. The two had their church ceremony at the Mission Dolores Basilica, one of the most beautiful and certainly oldest buildings in San Francisco, and then their reception at The Pearl, with a quick stop for photos at Dolores Park in between. [ read more … ]

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