John & Cate’s Joffre Lakes Surprise Proposal in Glacial Waters

800 miles flown, 200 kilometers driven, 7.9 kilometers hiked, and one bucket list item checked off! Joffre Lakes is ingrained deeply in our memories as one of the most beautiful hikes we ever went on 12 years ago, and we were so excited to be there again earlier this month when John & Cate got engaged. They last visited two years ago and had taken a few photos on these very same rocks, and this time, they did it again to recreate this memory — and unbeknownst to Cate, to make a new one. [ read more … ]

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Quincy & Kim’s Davenport Beach Cliffside Sunset Proposal

Quincy and Kim both love the ocean, and the coast is important to each of their lives individually and together as a couple. On one of their first dates years ago, they had visited an ocean bluff in Davenport together, a little bit off the beaten path and astoundingly beautiful! [ read more … ]

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Jack & Courtney’s Baker Beach Colorful Sunset Surprise Proposal

As Jack and Courtney walked along the shoreline of Baker Beach, breathing in the fresh ocean air, they enjoyed one of the most colorful sunsets in recent memory. The golden light shining over the ocean onto the Golden Gate Bridge [ read more … ]

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Anthony & Kamila’s Wedding at the Golden Gate Club

“Falling for you wasn’t like falling at all — it was walking into a house and finally feeling like I was home.”

Anthony and Kamila’s wedding at the Golden Gate Club was one of the most beautiful, emotional, and touching weddings we’ve ever had the honor to document. [ read more … ]

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Justyn & Cindy’s Marriage Proposal at Ina Coolbrith Park

The day before their anniversary, Justyn & Cindy made the short trek to the top of Ina Coolbrith Park, where a delightful view of the San Francisco skyline awaited them. More importantly, a big surprise was in store for Cindy [ read more … ]

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