Xander & Andrea’s Davenport Beach + Henry Cowell Redwoods Engagement Photos

Traveling and hiking are a couple of Xander and Andrea’s favorite activities together, and it was quite appropriate that they got engaged at the top of Slackers Hill. And a few months later, they introduced us to two new (to us) locations for their engagement photos: Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park and Davenport Beach. [ read more … ]

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Grant & Carly’s Moss Beach Tree Tunnel Surprise Proposal

The Moss Beach tree tunnel is a spot that Grant and Carly had been to many times before, and it’s here that Grant decided would be the spot to mark the next inflection point in their relationship together. In the morning while the sun was shining beautifully through the trees, Grant led Carly up through the trail into the middle of the tree tunnel to a picture-perfect setting [ read more … ]

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Hardeep & Harleen’s Presidio Tree Tunnel Marriage Proposal

Although Hardeep and Harleen were already engaged to be married soon, he still wanted to treat her with a thoughtful surprise to start off their journey together: he would take her to a quiet, picturesque spot in San Francisco and ask her to marry him there. After all, a proposal is more about the expression of love and the promise of commitment than about technically getting engaged, and it was important to him that they share that special moment together. [ read more … ]

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Anthony & Taryn’s Marin Redwood Trees Surprise Engagement

Redwoods have a special significance in Anthony & Taryn’s life together, as they enjoy hiking together and she was the one who first got him into it, so it would be a perfect setting to take it full circle! After considering several possible locations, Anthony decided on a park in Marin with redwood trees where they could go on a short stroll together. [ read more … ]

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Alex & Charlene’s Seal Cove Cypress Tree Tunnel Proposal Photos

The Seal Cove Cypress Tree Tunnel is a place that Alex and Charlene had been meaning to check out together, and now they finally got the chance! Alex actually secretly visited the tree tunnel in advance to make sure it felt right. [ read more … ]

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