Ben & Cessna’s San Francisco Hilltop Proposal
It’s a bit of a trek up to the top of Slackers Hill, but this didn’t bother Ben and Cessna the slightest bit. In fact, before dinner last weekend, the two of them hiked the long way up — several times longer than the usual route! With the weather very much on their side that evening, they got to enjoy an incredibly scenic walk along the trail as they approached the summit. [ read more … ]
Ryan & Kelly’s San Francisco Ocean Beach Surprise Proposal
Ryan and Kelly’s love story came full circle at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach when Ryan orchestrated a heartwarming surprise proposal on the sand dunes above the beach. Having shared nine years of their lives together so far (starting in high school!), this place was a very special place for them — it was the same beach where Ryan asked Kelly to prom [ read more … ]
Andrew & Karis’s Pillar Point Bluff Surprise Proposal
As Karis walked down the cliffside trail in Half Moon Bay with her parents and sister, she wondered what awaited her at the end of the path. Was it just a nice sunset view — or could today be the big day? [ read more … ]
Aaron & Alice’s Montara Beach Engagement Photos
Last week, I got to spend a gorgeous afternoon with Aaron & Alice as they romped around Montara Beach for engagement photos, laughing and giggling the whole way. [ read more … ]
Gaurang & Sanchi’s Ocean Cliffside Marriage Proposal
Sanchi had always wanted to get engaged by the ocean, and Gaurang worked hard to make it happen. There was just one problem: they live in landlocked Colorado, so it would be tough… but they did have a trip planned to visit some friends in San Jose, so Gaurang started to put together the surprise. He decided on Fort Funston, which offers beautiful cliffside views and a relatively quiet, private space quite unlike a lot of the busier beaches nearby. [ read more … ]