Dylan & Elizabeth’s San Francisco Rowboat Proposal

As they planned a big cross-country move together, Dylan thought this would be a great time to propose to his girlfriend of nine years and mark a new chapter in their adventure together. [ read more … ]

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Anand & Lina’s Cal Academy Surprise Proposal on the Living Roof

Having photographed hundreds of surprise proposals in the Bay Area, it’s always a special kind of joy to witness a proposal with the amount of planning, preparation, and practice that Anand put into his engagement to Lina. He had been secretly working on this for months, with an array of moving parts that all came together like clockwork, culminating in a beautiful, romantic, and touching proposal on the Living Roof at the California Academy of Sciences. [ read more … ]

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Greg & Alana’s Stow Lake Boat Proposal + Surprise Musician!

On a seemingly ordinary Saturday morning, Greg & Alana went out to Golden Gate Park to take a relaxing trip in a rowboat around Stow Lake. But in fact, this was anything but ordinary… once Greg rowed their boat near the stone arch bridge, he turned the boat and pulled out the ring box to propose — and with that, this special morning was just getting started! [ read more … ]

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Katie & Brian’s Golden Gate Park Engagement Photos

As California starts to open back up from its coronavirus-induced shutdown, we’ve started getting back to work with engagement shoots, with social distancing of course — gone are the days when we could greet our couples with a hug! Brian & Katie’s engagement session was our first after being shut down for over two months, and we are so excited to share.

We met up at Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park to catch the sun just as its golden rays were ducking behind the hills [ read more … ]

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James & Anne Marie’s Stow Lake Rowboat Surprise Proposal

James wanted to surprise his girlfriend Anne Marie with a marriage proposal in a special spot: on a Stow Lake rowboat, near the old stone arch bridge. As they slowly rowed towards the spot while feeding the ducks around them, we got into position — Annie on the shore nearby, David in a different rowboat (with our daughter on board to make it not look suspicious!) to get a second angle from the side — and watched as they approached. [ read more … ]

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