Arno & Kathy’s Salesforce Park Surprise Proposal

We recently had the honor of capturing a proposal that was truly close to our hearts: Arno and Kathy’s. Over the years, we’ve worked with Kathy, who runs Experiences by K, on countless proposals and weddings. She’s always been behind the scenes, helping couples create their perfect moments. We even crossed paths in a more personal way when I (David) enlisted her help to set up a little Valentine’s Day picnic for Annie under the guise of shooting a surprise proposal — flipping the usual script and using a proposal as an excuse for a surprise date. [ read more … ]

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Matt & Ashlynn’s Guitar Proposal at Martin’s Beach

Matt and Ashlynn began a new and exciting phase of their relationship two and a half years ago, when he asked her to be his girlfriend on a beach in Half Moon Bay at sunset. Last weekend, he took the next step by planning a romantic dinner for the two of them before heading over to Martin’s Beach to create a new and even more special moment. [ read more … ]

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Joe & Eva’s Emotional Surprise Proposal in Half Moon Bay

Joe and Eva’s engagement story is one that beautifully combines love, surprise, and the stunning scenery of Half Moon Bay. Under the pretense of taking a leisurely walk along the ocean with Eva’s brother, who happened to be in town for a visit, Joe led Eva to a picturesque spot where the waves gently rolled over the shoreline below.

As they stood there hand in hand, Joe turned to Eva, and with a heartfelt speech, he expressed his love and asked her to marry him. [ read more … ]

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Ryan & Kelly’s San Francisco Ocean Beach Surprise Proposal

Ryan and Kelly’s love story came full circle at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach when Ryan orchestrated a heartwarming surprise proposal on the sand dunes above the beach. Having shared nine years of their lives together so far (starting in high school!), this place was a very special place for them — it was the same beach where Ryan asked Kelly to prom [ read more … ]

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Gaurang & Sanchi’s Ocean Cliffside Marriage Proposal

Sanchi had always wanted to get engaged by the ocean, and Gaurang worked hard to make it happen. There was just one problem: they live in landlocked Colorado, so it would be tough… but they did have a trip planned to visit some friends in San Jose, so Gaurang started to put together the surprise. He decided on Fort Funston, which offers beautiful cliffside views and a relatively quiet, private space quite unlike a lot of the busier beaches nearby. [ read more … ]

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