Jessica & David’s Yerba Buena Island Engagement Photos

We recently had the pleasure of shooting David and Jessica’s engagement photos at Yerba Buena Island’s Hilltop Park and at Treasure Island. It was our first time exploring Yerba Buena Island (thanks D&J for the idea!), and the views did not disappoint! [ read more … ]

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Justyn & Cindy’s Marriage Proposal at Ina Coolbrith Park

The day before their anniversary, Justyn & Cindy made the short trek to the top of Ina Coolbrith Park, where a delightful view of the San Francisco skyline awaited them. More importantly, a big surprise was in store for Cindy [ read more … ]

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Treecy & Will’s SF City Hall Micro-Wedding

After enjoying being engaged for the past two years (check out their proposal photos here!), Treecy and Will tied the knot at their SF City Hall micro-wedding last week. It was a very special date — their dating anniversary [ read more … ]

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Peter & Grace’s Emotional Proposal at Ina Coolbrith Park

Peter and Grace’s engagement at Ina Coolbrith Park is one of the most heartfelt and emotional proposals we’ve had the honor to witness. They’ve had a trip to Japan planned for later this year, and he guessed — correctly! — that Grace was expecting the proposal there… so of course, he had to stay one step ahead. Peter came up with a whole story about how they would be going on a dinner double date with mutual friends, when in reality, Peter had prepared a scrapbook filled with their adventures together, eager to show her and pop the question. [ read more … ]

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Daniel & Arezoo’s San Francisco Morning Surprise Proposal

Daniel & Arezoo are a couple not unlike us — originally from another country, together for many years before getting engaged, and we even share the first initials D&A! We moved in opposite directions though: as we left Vancouver and the PNW to make San Francisco our new home a decade ago, they journeyed the opposite direction to settle down in Vancouver. But for an anniversary trip, Daniel and Arezoo came back to where it all started. [ read more … ]

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