Sahil & Neha’s Half Moon Bay Ritz Carlton Coastal Cliffside Proposal
One week ago, Sahil and Neha made their way down the trail from the Half Moon Bay Ritz Carlton for a coastal cliffside proposal that really could not have been any more perfect. This day was filled to the brim with the unbridled joy and laughter of not just the happy couple (of course), but also their families and even yours truly, the photographers. Indeed, their happiness was just so contagious that I teared up a bit! (But, I quickly remembered that I needed to be able to see through the lens.)
We had actually met up with Sahil a few days before his proposal, and he was so very visibly excited. I knew this was going to be a really special moment and that kind of grew my own excitement for them. As Sahil expected, Neha, the ever-perceptive girlfriend, did have an inkling (maybe more than an inkling…) that something was up, but I think it just built up the anticipation for when it actually happened. Maybe that was Sahil’s plan all along 🙂
When the big moment finally arrived, there was a mix of excitement, tears of happiness, and a “WOW — is that my new ring?!” look of disbelief. It was truly beautiful, in every sense of the word. Afterwards, we headed down for a few photos on the beach, but the surprises didn’t end there!
As we walked back to the hotel, I went on ahead to “look for a good spot for more photos.” In reality, I was going to meet up with a hidden group of family members whom Sahil had arranged to be there to surprise Neha, and surprise they did! Everyone shared in the excitement and celebrated with some champagne as the pair recounted what happened on the cliffside.
I think only the photos can fully convey the feelings and emotions of the moment, so take a look below. Congrats to Sahil and Neha!