Jack & Courtney’s Baker Beach Colorful Sunset Surprise Proposal

As Jack and Courtney walked along the shoreline of Baker Beach, breathing in the fresh ocean air, they enjoyed one of the most colorful sunsets in recent memory. The golden light shining over the ocean onto the Golden Gate Bridge [ read more … ]

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Austin & Jackie’s Baker Beach Proposal with Picnic

Austin and Jackie’s engagement story is one for the books, filled with love, surprises, and a stunning backdrop of the Golden Gate Bridge. On their first vacation together, before either of them knew it, their journey had started with a memorable drive along Highway 1, and Baker Beach quickly became their favorite spot. So when Austin decided to propose earlier this month, he knew exactly where to do it. [ read more … ]

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Jarrett & Carrington’s Baker Beach Spring Sunset Proposal

For a spring sunset proposal, there’s no better place than Baker Beach. It’s warm and sunny, with beautiful golden sunsets most evenings. While his girlfriend Carrington was in town for a short visit, Jarrett took the opportunity to bring her to the beach for a walk at sunset — with a surprise in his pocket, of course. [ read more … ]

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Neal & Danna’s Baker Beach DIY Proposal

When Neal shared his DIY proposal plan with me, I have to admit that I initially felt a mix of excitement and concern. The idea of a wooden arch, torches, candles, and flowers sounded lovely, but I couldn’t help but wonder about the potential challenges. What if setup took longer than expected? What if the setup didn’t hold up against the wind and waves on the beach? My mind was buzzing with “what ifs.”

But as preparation unfolded, it became clear that Neal had everything well in hand. [ read more … ]

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Jill & Evan’s Colorful Golden Engagement Photos at Baker Beach

I always have a lot of fun at engagement shoots. They’re a time when everyone is relaxed, there are no strict schedules to adhere to, and my couple can move around and be themselves like nobody’s watching. That’s exactly what happened here with Jill and Evan, but as a cherry on top, the wonderful weather gave us some really great light and a perfect sky too, resulting in this beautiful set of colorful and golden engagement photos. [ read more … ]

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